Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Dans la nuit du 4 février 1989, lors d’une expédition au Sahara, il est sujet à une expérience mystique : le sentiment de l’Absolu se révèle à lui. Une phrase occupe toutes ses pensées : « Tout est justifié ». Ce bouleversement lui fait franchir le cap pour passer à l’ écriture.
Don DeLillo
I did some short stories at that time, but very infrequently. I quit my job just to quit. I didn’t quit my job to write fiction. I just didn’t want to work anymore.
Haruki Murakami
According to an oft-repeated story, in the instant that Hilton hit a double, Murakami suddenly realized he could write a novel. He went home and began writing that night. Murakami worked on it for several months in very brief stretches after working days at the bar (resulting in a fragmented, jumpy text in short chapters).
Raymond Carver
His daughter, Christine La Rae, was born in December of 1957. When their second child, a boy named Vance Lindsay, was born the next year, Carver was 20. Carver supported his family by working as a janitor, sawmill laborer, delivery man, and library assistant.
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